Breakfast Healthy Low Carb Vegetarian

The oatmeal breakfast; is oatmeal healthy or not?

Many people think that oatmeal is healthy for breakfast, but is that so? Oatmeal is full of dietary fiber and it is associated with various health effects such as lowering LDL Cholesterol and even fat loss. Yet oatmeal can be at least as bad as bread or a croissant. I figured out how you can take advantage of an oatmeal breakfast without the bad side effects and also share some delicious recipes with you.

But first … oatmeal in a nutshell
To make a healthy choice and to understand why one is healthy and the other is not, it is good to know how oatmeal is produced. Because ‘oatmeal’ comes from the cereal ‘oats’. Oatmeal is the germinated (shell removes) version of oats and if only the shell is removed you speak of ‘long-boiling’ or ‘whole grain’ oatmeal. You don’t usually find this type of oatmeal at the supermarket, but at a health food store.

In addition, you also have the cut oatmeal, which is broken or cut into two parts. The advantage of this is that the cooking time is drastically reduced from 15 minutes to 5 minutes. In both this version and the ‘whole’ version, most nutrients and dietary fiber have been preserved. They are healthy for both of these oatmeal varieties.

The latest version is the rolled oatmeal. And how could it be otherwise … you can usually find it in the supermarket. The rolled oats are flat and sometimes this oats are sweetened and processed. You often see this when the oatmeal is already mixed with other ingredients. Therefore, with this form you only benefit for a small part from the beneficial efficacy of these grains. In fact, this variant causes peaks in blood sugar levels which you naturally prefer not to have (more about those peaks later).

So … is oatmeal healthy?
The answer to that question depends on the preparation and the type of oatmeal you choose. If you eat ready-made oatmeal that is sweetened with sugar, it is by definition not healthy. Usually, the ready-made oatmeal contains only half of the original fiber contained in oats and a lot of junk is added to make it ‘tasty’. In some ready-made oatmeal there is even more than 10% pure sugar. So when you ask “is ready-made oatmeal healthy?” the answer is “No!”.

But fortunately there is also good news! Pure oatmeal is healthy. By ‘pure’ I mean unprocessed oatmeal or at most ‘cut’. You recognize the whole grain oatmeal by the full, round structure and it is packed with valuable food for your body. The taste of whole-grain oatmeal has a slightly more ‘nutty’ taste than processed oatmeal.

Also advantageous for people with a gluten allergy is that oats naturally do not contain gluten. However, the oats are often treated in an environment where products are processed with gluten, so if it cannot contain any traces of gluten, you should also look for real gluten-free varieties.

The big disadvantage of whole grain oatmeal is that you have to boil it for about 15 minutes to make it soft and edible. On the other hand, you get a lot in return and it also tastes better. I will list the benefits of oatmeal for you.

The benefits of oatmeal
Reduces LDL Cholesterol by 7%
Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease
It helps your body to regulate your sugar levels
Whole grain oatmeal contains many dietary fiber
You will be full longer (that’s why an oatmeal breakfast is so popular)
It is full of vitamins and minerals
Oatmeal also contains many antioxidants
It is also a source of protein
It naturally contains no gluten
The difference between wholegrain oatmeal and ready-made oatmeal is particularly reflected in the ‘GI index’. Without becoming too technical … The GI index indicates what nutrition does to your blood sugar. The higher the GI index is, the less healthy it is for our bodies. We speak of a high glycemic index above 70 and a low below 55. Ready-made oatmeal has a GI index of 83, while whole-grain oatmeal has a GI index of 55. See how much difference it makes ?

Oatmeal for breakfast
As you can read above, an oatmeal breakfast can be a fantastic addition to your diet. In particular, the dietary fiber and the proteins ensure that you are full for longer than when, for example, you eat bread or a cracker.

An oatmeal breakfast is usually combined with milk or yogurt, but can also be combined with water or, for example, almond milk.

A whole-grain oatmeal breakfast is therefore healthy and even recommended if you want to lose weight. Losing weight with oatmeal is something you often encounter on the internet. You can of course come up with (and find) very exciting explanations, but basically it simply means that you have less appetite and therefore eat less. The amount of dietary fiber also plays an important role.

Prepare oatmeal:
Oatmeal is fairly easy to prepare. May I assume that you are convinced by my article and choose the whole-grain oatmeal? 🙂Beautiful! A basic oatmeal is easy to prepare. You can boil it with water, milk or something like almond milk.

Bring the liquid to the boil and add the oatmeal. Let it boil for 15 minutes and remove it from the heat. Let it cool down and you’re done. Now we can add some things for the taste, as I show below with the recipes.

What is also recommended is to bring water to the boil and let the oatmeal boil for 1 to 2 minutes. Then turn off the heat and leave the oatmeal covered for a night. The next morning you will have wonderfully soft oatmeal!

Oatmeal recipe 1:
Breakfast for 1 or 2 people:

100ml water
100ml almond milk (or whole milk)
50 grams whole wheat oatmeal
1 large banana (crushed)
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 pinch of salt
2 teaspoons vanilla extract

Oatmeal recipe 2:
100ml water
100ml almond milk (or whole milk)
50 grams whole wheat oatmeal
1 tablespoon honey
2 teaspoons cinnamon

Oatmeal topping:

Hand of blueberries
A few raspberries

Oatmeal recipe 3
Oatmeal cakeOatmeal cake
For a variation on the oatmeal breakfast, I also have a recipe for an oatmeal cake . Easy to take to work as a lunch or snack.

There are dozens of recipes on the internet to make a delicious oatmeal breakfast. And also nice books all about oatmeal. That is also one of the benefits. You can vary endlessly with ingredients and put something new on the table every morning.

The conclusion
If you choose the right type of oatmeal, oatmeal can be healthy for you and boost your health. I can therefore recommend an oatmeal breakfast to anyone who wants to have a healthy breakfast or to lose weight. Because some people jump directly to the conclusion, I would like to emphasize that the ‘supermarket’ oatmeal is not always healthy! Go to a health food store for ‘whole’ or ‘half’ oatmeal.

Do you also want to eat a little healthier?
Would you also like to eat a little healthier, preferably without fast sugars / carbohydrates but you don’t know what? Sign up now for the VIP Club of Gezondblog. You can read more about it here.

Fruit Healthy

Is fruit healthy? Or can you do without?

Eat two pieces of fruit a day is the slogan … but is that necessary? Several studies, on the other hand, indicate that fructose is perhaps the most underrated thickener. That is why in some diets the eating of fruit is also limited. So? Two pieces of fruit per day or not? I am trying to answer that question here.

Is fruit healthy?

Let’s answer that question first … I will not turn around the hot knit … fruit can be very healthy! Fruit is mainly known for the large amount of vitamins, dietary fiber and antioxidants in fruit. And it is indeed true that it is good for our body. But that is of course not the only thing in fruit. For example, an orange and an apple contain more than 23 grams of sugars (fructose) and that is less good for us. But this is just the ‘short-the-bend’ reasoning … technically you could say that you better eat vegetables, because then you have the vitamins, the fibers and the antioxidants, but not the sugars. But fruit, on the other hand, is tastier and easier to carry on the road.
So is fruit healthy ? I searched online for research results and the good news is that with normal quantities of fresh fruit, fruit is indeed healthy for you. Now I can imagine that you think “why the hell are you writing this article? Didn’t we all know this? ”… That’s right. But more and more diets prescribe a limited sugar intake and even fruit is then excluded, or limited to a minimum. And then the question arises … can you live without fruit if it is that healthy?

Can you go without fruit?

The answer is “yes.” Every person can stay healthy his entire life without having eaten a single piece of fruit in his life. In fact, it is only since we have cooled transportation and heated greenhouses that it is possible to eat fruit at all outside the harvest season.
You can get enough vitamins, dietary fiber and antioxidants from vegetables and nuts. So if your diet prescribes not to eat fruit, you don’t have to worry that your body will give up after a few months. However, you must ensure that you eat enough greetings, meat and nuts … and you do not make any concessions there.

Then why would you exclude fruit at all?

As described earlier, fruit is simply healthy. And if you eat fresh fruit, it is almost impossible to “overeat” with fruit. Yet there are reasons to ignore fruit (for a large part). For example if you eat low carbohydrate. Low carbohydrate diets are aimed at bringing your body into a state of ketosis . This means that your body mainly draws energy from fats due to a lack of glucose (sugars / carbohydrates). This significantly increases your fat burning. A diet based on ketosis leads to unimaginable results when it comes to fat loss and weight control. In such a case, it is no disaster if you no longer eat fruit.

Just for the fruit lovers … why is fruit so good for us?

Fruit is full of fiber, water, vitamins and antioxidants and has a high chewing resistance. Due to the high chewing resistance and the slow digestion of the fruit, the fructose enters very metered in the liver. As a result, with a normal diet (low in carbohydrates) there will be little or no insulin peak. Our body can deal well with fructose that comes from fresh fruit, because the fructose is released in doses. Fructose in foods other than fruit do not have these benefits !! Fructose candies or added fructose is not healthy.


Fruit is healthy and in a non-carbohydrate diet it is certainly advisable to eat some fruit every day … if only because it is so delicious! But you can also do fine without fruit if your diet requires it.

Losing fat for a fit body

Losing fat for a fit body

Belly fat is a major source of annoyance. It seems as if fat is easier to store here than on other parts of our body.

A low carbohydrate diet is the ideal way to lose fat around the abdominal area and other parts of the body. This way you can easily create a fit body. Even without exercise.

What is a low carbohydrate diet?
When you start eating low carbohydrates, you soon notice that this has an effect. You notice that stored fat will burn pretty quickly. You lose weight. At the same time, you can continue to eat tasty food and the number of eating moments does not have to change. With a low carbohydrate it is all about less carbohydrates being eaten. Calories or fats are not considered.

What do you eat during a low carbohydrate diet?
lose fat for a fit bodyDuring a low-carbohydrate diet you are relatively free to eat whatever you want. Provided you stay below a certain number of carbohydrates. With some diets there are guidelines that you must strictly adhere to. With other diets, so-called weekly menus are prepared and this is your common thread. As a rule, few sugars are eaten during a low-carbohydrate diet. In addition, food such as pasta, bread and potatoes are kept to an absolute minimum. You eat a lot more vegetables, fruit to a limited extent by fruit sugars. Do you like to eat protein-rich foods such as meat, fish or nuts? With a low carbohydrate diet this is no problem at all and there are often no restrictions for that. Because this fits within the low carbohydrate regime.

Training for a fit body
Although it is not necessary to exercise for a fit body, it helps to further shape the body by doing muscle training. Your body position will improve and the body will take on a tight shape. This does not necessarily mean that you have lost weight. Muscle training does not really help with weight loss and is especially important for creating a tight body.

Do you want to create a tighter belly? If you have lost a few pounds, you can start with abs exercises. If you effectively start abdominal muscle training, muscle growth will be stimulated and a six-pack may occur. Keep in mind that a tight stomach only becomes visible when you have lost any excess belly fat. Do you enjoy doing abdominal exercises or do you find it important to improve your posture through strength training? Then that can of course be good reasons to start with this. But it will not have a visible effect.

Easy Recipes Healthy Recipes Vegan Vegetarian Video

Are vitamins lost during cooking?

Our body needs vitamins for a healthy metabolism. Vitamins ensure, among other things, that our resistance is maintained. Many people get a flu during this period, so it is important to get enough vitamins from your food. Unfortunately, there are a number of vitamins that are very sensitive to heating, which means that many vitamins are lost during cooking. That is why it is important to know how you can cook in a different way so that the vitamins are retained!

All vitamins at a glance

There are 13 types of vitamins:

Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B3
Vitamin B5
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B8
Vitamin B11 (folic acid)
Vitamin B12
All these vitamins have their own effect. For example, vitamin A is important for the skin and vitamin C is important for the immune system. We need these vitamins every day, one more than the other. To get enough vitamins, it is important to eat healthy and varied food.

The preparation, what goes wrong here?

Everyone has their own way of cooking. The preparation will therefore also be different for everyone. Vitamins can be lost during the preparation of a meal. If you look critically at how you prepare your food, you can adjust certain ways that you save vitamins!

Wash your vegetables briefly. Soaking your vegetables for a long time is a real no-go!
Did you know that vitamins are already being lost while vegetables are being cut? Therefore, do not buy pre-sliced vegetables, because you never know how they prepared the vegetables. Cut your vegetables yourself and preferably as short as possible before cooking.
Prefer not to peel vegetables. It is often customary to peel a zucchini, for example, but the skin is full of vitamins!
Place the vegetables in boiling water instead of cold water. If you let cold water heat up in a pan with vegetables, more vitamins will be lost.
Cook with the lid on the pan. There are many vitamins in the cooking fluid! Therefore, also use your cooking fluid as the basis for a sauce, for example.
5 tips to preserve vitamins during cooking
Many vitamins are also lost during cooking, while you naturally want to keep every vitamin !

# 1 Eat fresh

Fresh vegetables contain the most vitamins. That is because it has not been processed much and is therefore still in the store in a short time. Always store fresh vegetables in a dark and dry place.

# 2 Poach

If you poach vegetables, the cooking temperature stays below 100 degrees. This means that the taste is better preserved and the vitamins are still in your vegetables!

# 3 Cook at a higher temperature

By cooking at a higher temperature with a shorter baking time you limit the loss of vitamins even more!

# 4 Wok

Wok is very easy and fast. You can put everything in the wok and bake everything briefly. Meat sears quickly so that all juices and vitamins remain in the meat. The vegetables are quickly cooked without losing the vitamins.

# 5 Use as

little water as possible By using little water, you lose fewer vitamins. Is it customary for you to add salt during cooking? Do not! Salt extracts all vitamins from your vegetables. That’s how they disappear in the water. Therefore, add a little salt only when you start serving the dish.

Breakfast Fruit Healthy Low Carb Recipes Smoothie Vegetarian Video

Pre-cut vegetables or cut yourself?

If you know my recipes then you know that I am someone of quick and easy.
Spending hours in the kitchen is really not my thing, I prefer to cook with as few pans and actions as possible.
That is also one of the reasons that I often opted for pre-cut vegetables. The vegetable mix bags are usually well varied and it saves me a lot of cutting.

Now I have to say that that was not the only reason. I also often have a fight with good kitchen tools. From home I am quite a bit economical and spend a lot of money on knives, for example. The knives in my kitchen drawer have been around for years and I don’t notice that they are becoming more and more blunt.

It is even so that (so far) I do not cut chicken fillet with a knife but with a (specially purchased) scissors into pieces. Because with a knife I always thought it was such a hassle.

Hubby always finds this type of frugality very irritating because he wants good things for the kitchen. Incidentally, not only for the kitchen, this applies to everything in its existence, but that is another story. Now his prayers were answered recently because Cookinglife asked me if I would like to review the Arcos knives.

Arcos knife reviewArcos knife review
A whole new world opens up for me! What a difference between my 20-year-old meat cleaver and the new one from Arcos! I now glide through the meat and don’t have to put any pressure on it at all. Perhaps quite normal for other people but I am enjoying my kitchen! Also the tomatoes (which I used to cut with a serrated knife for the stiff skin) I can now simply cut into cubes.

On the photo you can see the Arcos  knife  that I used to cut all vegetables.

Yesterday a pasta dish made with a lot of vegetables. I now also had to take good care of my carving because with such a sharp knife an accident is also in a small corner. Mindful cutting say🙂

Because the cutting work is no longer in my way, I want to highlight the benefits of cutting your vegetables yourself instead of pre-cut vegetables.

First the price!

Take a look at a bag of pre-cut vegetables and weigh the same items separately. You will see that you get much more vegetables for your hard-earned money if you cut it yourself.

Secondly the freshness!

Fruit and vegetables are nowadays packaged so well that with the new techniques you can no longer see how fresh it is. The vegetable can sometimes be 6 days old without you noticing it. Taking into account that the nutrients are lost as soon as you cut and reduce per hour, this is certainly something you can take into consideration.

Thirdly your own choice!

Okay, the bags are well varied, but my experience is that they often contain stuffing, for example a lot of cabbage which is nice and cheap and not a lot of bell pepper. If you choose yourself, then of course take the vegetables that you like best, that look nice and fresh and of which you can, if you have something left, possibly keep something uncut.

Three reasons for me to use fewer pre-cut vegetables and to cut everything nice and fresh.

And now the recipe for enthusiasts:

Pasta with vegetables and tuna



3 cloves of garlic
1 onionpre-cut vegetables
1 (point) bell pepper
1 zucchini
5 tomatoes
handful of fresh basil
2 cans of tuna
250 grams of spelled pasta
2 tablespoons capers
200 ml (vegetable) cream
grated (goat) cheese
freshly ground pepper
olive oil

Squeeze the garlic and cut the vegetables into small pieces.
Cook the pasta according to the instructions, drain and sprinkle with some olive oil.
Stir fry all vegetables in the order of the ingredients list.
Add the tuna, capers and cream and heat well together.
Mix the vegetables with the pasta and season with a lot of pepper and some olive oil.
Serve the pasta with some grated goat cheese.

Fruit Healthy Vegetarian

‘Tomatoes improve sperm quality’

Tomatoes have a positive effect on the quality of sperm. According to research published by the Cleveland Clinic. According to American researchers, the substance causes lycopene, the substance that causes a tomato to be red, that the amount of sperm increases by about seventy percent. The quality of the sperm also increases.

For the research, the scientists studied the data from twelve different studies around the world. All these studies showed that lycopene ensures that the number of sperm cells present increases and that the seed starts to swim a lot faster. According to the research leader, Ashok Agarwal, the studies clearly demonstrated the positive effect of lycopeem on sperm.

Follow-up investigation
Previous studies have also shown that lycopene reduces the risk of prostate disease. The research team immediately started follow-up research and will, among other things, study the effect of taking lycopene supplements in men who are inexplicably infertile. The results of that investigation are expected next year.


Fish reduces the risk of depression in women

Eating fish twice a week reduces the risk of depression in women by 25 percent. This is the conclusion of a study by the Menzies Research Institute.

The team followed more than 1,400 men and women aged 26 to 36 for five years. The participants kept track of what they ate, including which types of fish. Data on their mental health were also kept. Even after correction for other factors such as smoking, weight, exercise, alcohol consumption, level of education and occupation, there appeared to be a connection between eating fish and depression.

Women who ate fish once a week were found to have 6 percent less risk of depression. Women who put fish on the menu twice a week had a 25 percent lower risk of depression. In men, no link was found between fish consumption and depressive symptoms.

Why fish has this effect on women, but not on men, the scientists don’t know yet. Possibly the omega-3 fatty acids in fish in combination with the female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone ensure that the female brain functions well. It is possible that men already get more omega-3 fatty acids from other sources, for example from meat. The results of the study appeared in the American Journal of Epidemiology.


L’Amorigen, conscious food in Ibiza!



L’Amorigen restaurant in Cala Nova, Ibiza deserves some extra attention!

Looking for fine restaurants in Ibiza, which serve real, pure and healthy food, we ended up at restaurant L’Amorigen during our last vacation. On the way to the beautiful beach of Cala Nova our eyes immediately fell on the beautiful garden with the graceful trees, which provide a natural shade. Under these trees wonderful benches with colorful cushions are inviting and waiting for you.

L’Amorigen, conscious food in Ibiza!L’Amorigen restaurant in Cala Nova, Ibiza
The beach is 10 meters away so after a morning of lazing in the sun we returned around noon to have something to eat. Our timing was just right because we soon heard that the restaurant was only opened two days before! A menu card was therefore not yet available but the super nice gentleman of the ministry listed the entire card for us. Stress because everything sounded good, both the choices for breakfast and lunch … At that moment we decided to try breakfast the next morning, that made the choice for lunch a bit easier.

Ibiza healthy and delicious foodTasting of the house
It became the gazpacho, the risotto and a vegetarian burger. We got an extra tasting from the house because we were actually a little too early for lunch and therefore had to wait a little longer. Not a disaster for us because we were wonderful. What a taste explosion! I could not bring home all the ingredients for what it was, some could not be translated, but the flavors were so refined and well coordinated, delicious!

Risotto and a vega burgerRisotto and a vega burger
The cook stopped by our table and told us that he cooks from his heart to touch those who appreciate it. Well then he was completely fine with us.

L’Amorigen, conscious food in Ibiza!L’Amorigen, conscious food in Ibiza!
The next morning we went back for breakfast. I opted for the yogurt with home-made granola. When it was served I was confused because she was serving something on a flat plate. But it was exactly as promised. A range of fine fruits and delicious granola with a thick, spicy yogurt and dried mint leaves on top.

Delicious yogurt with granola
In short: You can have breakfast, lunch or dinner at L’Amorigen, but you can also just have a drink in the garden or at the outdoor bar. In the meantime there is probably a menu but here you can already get some ideas of what was on the menu in June 2018. All dishes are organic and vegetarian with herbs from our own garden.

Fruit Healthy Low Carb Smoothie Video

Super energy within one minute with Green Juice

Are you already familiar with “green powder juices”? Normally I choose, depending on my energy level, for a specific nutritional supplement or a combination of several. Sometimes in the form of capsules, such as the Ashwaganda, or in tablets with, for example, Spirulina, but I also sometimes have wheatgrass or powdered algae, not really tasty but for a good cause say….

I had already tried a test bag from the Green Juice, but to really feel the effect Super Foodies allowed me to test a large pot of their Green Juice , good for 1 month of health! So all other food supplements on the side and I am ready!

What is Green Juice?

Green Juice is a superfoods-based green powder that you can easily make into a drink. It consists of 100% organic ingredients including herbs, algae and vegetables.

The unique thing about Green Juice is that it contains a few ingredients that you don’t often find in other supplements, such as the Ashwagandha and Moringa.

Green Juice Super Foodies experienceGreen Juice Super Foodies experience
Ashwagandha and Moringa have long been used in ancient Ayurvedic medicine in India. They have a long list of customs and benefits you could almost choose any kind of ailment and they could probably help with that.

The Green Juice from Super Foodie also contains Matcha, which you often find nowadays as tea, totally hip and healthy.
Matcha has many health benefits, not the least of which is that it can help speed up your metabolism / metabolism without making you feel like you’ve been drinking some strong espresso shots.

Taste of Green Juice

The Green Juice tastes somewhat ” green ” if you understand what I mean. I simply make it as standard with some water in a small glass, stir quickly and clock in. If you want to spice up the taste, you can stir it with some juice or a smoothie. But it is also very good to combine with a yoghurt breakfast where you can add banana and raisins for a slightly sweeter taste.

For those who, just like me, want to know what the stock is like, I have listed some of the ingredients of the Green Juice below:

1. Ashwaganda :

Improves thyroid function, regulates hormone balance in men and women, strengthens the immune system and can help reduce anxiety.

2. Chlorella :

Cleanses the intestines and liver, speeds wound healing, strengthens the immune system and can lower blood pressure and cholesterol

3. Spirulina :

Makes the blood basic, cleanses the intestines and liver, relieves pain and strengthens the immune system

4. Matcha :

Promotes a healthy night’s sleep, increases concentration and strengthens the immune system 5. Lemongrass : has an antifungal effect

6. Kelp :

Promotes healthy thyroid function, strengthens the immune system, relieves pain and prevents arteriosclerosis

7. Moringa :

Works to relieve pain, strengthens the immune system and reduces symptoms in asthma

8. Rosehip :

Provides relief from osteoarthritis, pain and stiffness, can help lower cholesterol and blood pressure and reduces the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis

9. Wheatgrass :

Promotes healthy digestion and absorption of nutrients, cleanses the intestines and liver, has an alkalizing and anti-cancer effect and provides relief from anemia, diabetes, cancer, eczema, kidney swelling and colds

10. Rice protein powder :

Promotes muscle recovery and muscle building, provides energy, slows down aging, lowers cholesterol and blood pressure and promotes fat burning and weight loss
Read here what else is in it and possibly request the free e-book with more substantive information!

My experience

I really enjoyed it, no more assortment of jars on the counter but just 1 scoop in the morning through my water and ready! The convenience is therefore a big plus and the feeling to start the day right feels good. The taste is easy to do and it gives me the reassuring feeling that on less healthy days I also get enough greens not to relax. For my children, I stir it in a juice to make it a little more attractive😉

I used it a little short to form an opinion in the long term so after the summer I will give an update! I certainly take the pot on holiday to start every day well.

Also have a chance to win a free pot of Green Juice
I can also draw 2 pots from Super Foodies among the followers of Gezondblog. The price is for 2 Super Foodies friends, so can you use some extra energy together with a friend? Let us know below (or on Facebook) why you both want to win such a pot, tag your boyfriend and girlfriend and who knows we might make you happy with some extra energy! We will announce the winner on August 6!

Fruit Healthy Low Carb Recipes Vegetarian Video

Sushi bowl with marinated mushrooms


Greenco marinated mushroomsGreenco marinated mushrooms
The Greenco brand comes with various varieties of marinated mushrooms! I already received a package from them with three different types to make a recipe with, one of the benefits of blogging😉

The package really had to come from Korea so I had to be patient but after 2 weeks I had the pots at home, 2 marinated, 1 of which in olive oil and 1 pickled (inlaid).

Because I love sushi and wanted to make a vegetarian sushi bowl, I recorded a video with it.

Ingredients sushi bowl:

250 gr sushi rice Supplies sushi bowlGreenco marinated mushrooms
1 mango
1 avocado
1 cucumber
pot (280 gr) marinated mushrooms in oil
2 spring onions
2 tbsp sesame seeds, lightly roasted

2 tbsp sesame oil
3 tbsp soy sauce
juice of half a lime

nori leaves or chips
Preparation method:

Cook the sushi rice according to the instructions on the package and let it cool.
Peel the cucumber and cut it into long strings with a peeler or cheese slicer.
Peel the mango and cut it into long, narrow segments.
Cut the spring onions into small rings.
Mix the ingredients for the dressing.
Drain the mushrooms.
Finally, peel the avocado and cut it into long, narrow segments.
Arrange all ingredients nicely in a large bowl and divide the dressing, sesame seeds and the optional nori chips.